Language Learning Blog

Spanish Verb Venir Conjugation: En un Ir y Venir

Spanish Verb Venir Conjugation: En un Ir y Venir

Imagine watching the movie “Back to the Future” in Spanish and understanding each time Martin and the Doc say “Vengo del futuro”, “Vamos al pasado” or “¡Tienes que venir!”. Venir is one of those words that is said more times than we actually realize: in everyday life it represents daily movement along with its sister word “Ir”. Hence, the title…

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Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Caber

Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Caber

If you could choose just one topic that would fit in your head without having to study so much, what would it be? For many of our students, the answer would probably be: Spanish verb conjugation. And I understand them, of course! For a native Spanish speaker, conjugating a verb is not something to think about, we grow up conjugating…

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Conjugation of Spanish Verb Encontrar

Conjugation of Spanish Verb Encontrar

Translation: to find, meet, encounter, detect somebody/something, strike somebody/something, see somebody/something, identify somebody/something. Encontrar is an irregular Spanish AR verb, this is it changes the stem in the Present, Present Subjunctive and Imperative tenses. Following the pattern of sonar, when the stem of the verb is stressed, the “o” changes to “ue”. Though encontrar has the same basic meaning as…

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Spanish Verb Pensar Conjugation

Spanish Verb Pensar Conjugation

How to use the Spanish Verb Pensar The verb Pensar is used to express a conclusion after you have heard the different points of view about a certain topic: Yo pienso que el partido Demócrata tiene una mejor plataforma política en este período. (I think that the Democratic Party has a better political platform this period.) It is used to…

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Conjugation of Spanish Verb Ser

Conjugation of Spanish Verb Ser

Up to this point, you have noted that the verb “to be” has two meanings in spanish: ser or estar. In this lesson, we are going to focus on ser. We will learn when and how to use it, and all the conjugations. Let’s start! When do we use “Ser”? To talk about physical descriptions. To talk about time and…

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Spanish Verb Morder Conjugation

Spanish Verb Morder Conjugation

Translation: to bite, eat into, cut, abrade, prick, gnaw. Definition of Morder Morder belongs to the ER verb family, along with other irregular verbs that are conjugated in the same way, such as Caber, Caer, Decir, Estar and some more. Below, we will give you a list of meanings and/or definitions of the word morder: To use your teeth to…

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Spanish Verb Negar – Conjugation

Spanish Verb Negar – Conjugation

The straight definition of the verb Negar (deny in spanish) if you look it up in the dictionary, is the act of denying or saying no to something. Having said this, we have the first glimpse of this verb, and we can start with this journey of learning and understanding, so no te niegues a aceptar este reto (do not…

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