Luciana Pino – Spanish Tutor

From: Argentina
Based in: Argentina
Education/Certification: English Teacher
Years of Experience: 15
Languages: Spanish
My name's Luciana Pino. I'm 41 years old. I am an English teacher certified by The National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Furthermore, I have been delivering classes since 2007 worldwide. Currently, I live in Patagonia, Argentina. I consider myself as a creative, dynamic and proactive woman. My purpose as a teacher is that students achieve their goals by learning what they need and desire.

Interests: Art, music and theatre

Payments: You can buy one lesson for 60-minutes below on the tutor's personal calendar. Then you can book 10 or 20-hour packages for a discount on the other two buttons below. The 10 and 20-hour payments are processed through PayPal, click the button below, and you can pay by credit/debit card or with your PayPal account. After you click the below payment buttons, you'll put in your email for a receipt and confirmation, and then the payment page is after you enter your email.

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What Are My Lessons Like?

What curriculum do you follow?

Basically, the lessons are aligned with a goal-oriented curriculum. The lessons are designed and delivered according to students’ ´needs and levels.  Each lesson has a purpose depending on the goals the student wants to achieve.

How do you plan lessons?

The lesson plans follow a task-based structure. Students are exposed to different types of materials (ted talks, videos, online worksheets, games and role plays). Through visual and auditory input guidance, students achieve tasks developing the macro skills of the language, with a special focus on communication.

How do you measure progress?

Lesson by lesson, students account for what they learn and how they can use the second language in real linguistic situations. Besides, through problem-solving situations, students reflect and use what they know. Every 5 lessons there is a quiz based on contents, functions and grammar seen in lessons.

What materials/tools do you use?

The lessons are designed with authentic materials adapted according to the level of the student. During the lesson, videos, selected course books, designed grammar exercises, games and role playing are used.

How can you help students with their long-term goals?

Learning a language is a step-by-step active process. My goal is to help students focus on what they need and want to learn to achieve what they want. Through permanent mentoring and tutoring, I commit myself to fostering students´strengths and overcoming weaknesses.

Start by Chatting With Us - Say Hello

What is the purpose of the live chat?

  • Do you have questions before booking a lesson?
  • Would you like us to help you select a tutor?
  • Want help with making a payment on a tutor profile?
  • Or just looking to ask us questions in general? – Say hello…

How long is the chat going to take?

As long or as short as you like. Learn a few new words with us or get quick answers to your questions.

Are you going to try to sell me on something?

We can help you find a tutor to help you with pronunciation, or become more fluent in the language you’re learning. We are also OK with just talking to you and practicing a bit of Spanish or English together.

Who am I chatting with?

We are the admin staff behind Lingua Linkup. We speak both Spanish and English, and we’re looking to help you find the right tutor for you.
And yes, we’re real people.

Questions About Booking a Lesson?

What happens when you book a lesson?

You select a date and time that works for you on the tutor’s individual calendars on their profile page. You can do one of the following:

  • Book a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call (Chat about your goals & meet your tutor before booking!).
  • Book a 30-minute class – price varies per tutor.
  • Book a paid 1-hour class – price varies per tutor.

How long are the lessons?

Our lessons are 30 or 60 minutes, but you can book for a longer time if you desire. Or book lessons in bulk for a discounted price once you find a tutor you’re comfortable with. The discounts are on each tutor’s page.

What are you going to learn in each lesson?

The lesson plan is designed according to your needs. Do you need to learn more past or future tense? Help with your pronunciation? Are you looking to become more fluent and confident in your words? All is possible with our tutors, some of whom have been teaching Spanish for over 20 years.

Why should you book a lesson?

You won’t get the same level of service at a large tutoring company. We are a small & dedicated team of tutors and admin support who are here to help you learn Spanish. Talk to us in the chat, get a free discovery call with our tutors or book a paid lesson. In every case, you’ll feel supported in your language journey.

Chat With Us - We're Here to Help

We have real people on our live chat, no need to speak the language of robots: “TALK TO AGENT!”, Our humans speak Spanish and English. Talk to us, see how we can help you. If our agents aren’t available, send us a message, and we’ll get back shortly.