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Healthcare workers are in constant contact with hundreds upon hundreds of people every day, people from different ethnicities and from all around the world, and Spanish being one of the most spoken languages in the world they will encounter lots of Spanish speakers that may or may not know how to speak English.

Knowing the most used terms in the Emergency Room (ER) in Spanish is important for delivering better care for patients. Being a healthcare worker also means being the source of information, support, knowledge, and security for the person in need. Being able to communicate successfully with a patient and their family is the key for them to feel protected, secure, supported, and aware of the situation. That is a major part of the job for healthcare workers. To extend your knowledge after this article, read here for a longer list of medical Spanish terms.

So today we bring you this list with the most useful terms for healthcare workers in the emergency room. For follow-up reading, be sure to check out Spanish for EMTs.

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emergency roomsala de emergencia
emergency medical servicesservicios médicos de emergencia
cardiac arrestparo cardio-respiratorio
first, second, and third-degree burnsquemaduras de primer, segundo o tercer grado
myocardial infarctioninfarto agudo de miocardio
bone fracturefractura
exposed bone fracturefractura expuesta
internal bleedinghemorragia interna
diabetic comacoma diabético
cerebral infarctioninfarto cerebral
spleen rupturerotura de bazo
abdominal traumatraumatismo abdominal
blood clotcoágulo
soft tissue injurylesión de los tejidos blandos
pulmonary lacerationlaceración pulmonar
strokederrame cerebral o ataque cerebrovascular
ruptured ligamentsrotura de ligamentos
pneumoniapulmonía o neumonía
gastrointestinal bleedinghemorragia gastrointestinal o digestiva
prelabor rupture of membranesruptura prematura de membrana
penetrating traumatraumatismo penetrante
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About the Author:

Jenny López - Medical Spanish Tutor

Specializations: Spanish Tutors on Zoom

Bio: My name is Jenny López, I'm from Colombia, and I'm a doctor. I look forward to helping other doctors and nurses with medical Spanish.

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Other articles: 149 Spanish Medical Terms for Medical Professionals

Disclaimer: The information found on this website is meant only to aid healthcare professionals who want to improve their Spanish skills to communicate with their Spanish-speaking patients and not to be used as medical advice. Medical professionals should not rely on the content of this website to evaluate, diagnose or treat any health related condition.

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