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Consigue lo que quieras.

Conjugation of the verb Conseguir

Spanish is a wide and wild language. Why? Well, simply because we have many words that can replace just one phrase in English. Take for example the expression: “I’m sorry”, there are several words you can use to say this such as: lo siento, perdón, perdóname, disculpa, discúlpame, perdona. And on the other hand, we have words that have multiple definitions in English and can replace many verbs; Conseguir is one of these words.

When thinking about in which contexts we can use conseguir, I can think of a few different examples:

To achieve: Conseguí correr tres cuadras esta semana. (I was able to run three blocks this week.)

To find: Conseguí el vestido que tanto buscaba. (I found the dress I was looking for.)

To get: Ramona consiguió los tickets para el recital (Ramona got the tickets for the concert.)

To pick up: Voy a conseguir un mapa para nuestra excursión. (I’m going to pick up a map for our tour.)

And it can also be used as: obtain, secure, procure, land, win, manage, gain, attain, make happen, meet, accomplish and there are still a few more verbs. Therefore, knowing this verb, which I would compare it with the usage of “get” in English, can help you a lot since you can use it in many contexts and to replace all the verbs mentioned above.

It is frequently seen in Sports, like: El equipo consiguió la victoria. (The team won), to talk about obtaining cups and milestones. But you can also see it in everyday actions and a colloquial language. Once more, replacing expressions like find, wish, etc. Let’s see an example:

Marcos, no consigo encontrar las llaves del auto. ¿Me las consigues? (Marcos, I can’t find the car keys, can you get them for me?)

Another of the irregular ones in the family

Conseguir is an irregular verb, and they are called this way given that the verb can change its root or ending (or both!). In this case, conseguir follows the same pattern as pedir and it changes the ending, which means that it does not follow the same ending rule as a regular verb.

For example: vivir (to live) is a regular -ir verb.

Vivo en una casa grande (yo, simple present)

Consigo lo que me propongo (also yo, simple present)

As you can see, the ending instead of changing to “o”, vivir>vivo; conseguir>conseguo, changes to conseguir>consigo

Verbals of Conseguir

Verbals are the forms of infinitive, gerund, and participle of the verbs, they need another verb to make sense. Let’s have a look:

VerbalCommon useExampleEnglish
Infinitiveconseguir (to achieve/find/get)Non conjugatedMe gustaría conseguir el número de la rotisería.I’d like to find the number of the steakhouse..
Gerundconsiguiendo (getting)AdverbEstoy consiguiendo mejorar en mi españolI am getting better at my Spanish
Participleconseguido (to achieve)AdjectiveJuan ha conseguido que lo promuevan.Juan has gotten a promotion.

To Conjugate? Of course!

I know Spanish has tons of conjugations. Having a list handy is always helpful, but don’t worry, once you start using these words, it gets easier!

Conseguir Conjugation: Indicative Mood

The indicative mood is the mood we use to express something objectively in the past, future and present tenses.

Simple Tenses of the Indicative Mood

SubjectPresentPreteritePret. Imperfect ConditionalFuture
(see verb option)(see verb option)(see verb option)(would + verb)(will + verb)*
yoConsigoConseguíConseguíaConseguiría Conseguiré
ConsiguesConseguisteConseguías Conseguirías Conseguirás
Consigue Consiguió ConseguíaConseguiríaConseguirá
nosotrosConseguimos Conseguimos Conseguíamos ConseguiríamosConseguiremos
Consiguen Consiguieron Conseguían ConseguiríanConseguirán


Conseguí que mi hermana me pinte las uñas. (I was able to make my sister do my nails.)

Mi hermana consiguió el primer puesto en el torneo. (My sister got first place in the tournament.)

·The reason why “See verb option” is there is because depending on the context, conseguir will change its meaning, therefore it may be falling into a regular verb such as achieve or an irregular as get.

Compound Tenses of the Indicative Mood

SubjectPresent PerfectPreterite PerfectPast Perfect (Pluperfect) Conditional PerfectFuture Perfect
(have/has + verb)(had + verb)(had + verb)(would have + verb)(will have + verb)
yohe conseguidohube conseguidohabía conseguidohabría conseguidohabré conseguido
has conseguidohubiste conseguidohabías conseguidohabrías conseguidohabrás conseguido
él/ella/ustedha conseguidohubo conseguidohabía conseguidohabría conseguidohabrá conseguido
nosotroshemos conseguidohubimos conseguidohabíamos conseguidohabríamos conseguidohabremos conseguido
ellos/ellas/ustedeshan conseguidohubieron conseguidohabían conseguidohabrían conseguidohabrán conseguido


Ustedes habrían conseguido el boleto de avión más barato, pero demoraron en comprarlo. (You would have gotten the plane ticket cheaper, but you took too long to buy it).

He conseguido muchos de los objetivos que me he planteado. (I have achieved many of the goals I have set for myself.).

Conseguir Conjugation: Subjunctive Mood

When thinking about forming the subjunctive mood in Spanish, we should always have in mind that adding a “que” to the beginning of the sentence is a good way to form it, although it is not always necessary to add the que, it can help, as in: “que tu consigas un premio no quiere decir que seas el mejor”.

Simple Tenses of the Subjunctive Mood

SubjectPresentImperfectImperfect 2Future
yoConsigaConsiguiera Consiguiese Consiguiere
Consigas Consiguieras Consiguieses Consiguieres
él/ella/ustedConsigaConsiguiera Consiguiese Consiguiere
nosotrosConsigamos Consiguiéramos Consiguiésemos Consiguiéremos
ellos/ellas/ustedesConsigan ConsiguieranConsiguiesen Consiguieren


Ojalá consiga competir en el mundial de fútbol. (I hope to be able to compete in the World Cup.).

Compound Tenses of the Subjunctive Mood

SubjectPresent PerfectPast Perfect (Pluperfect)Past Perfect 2 (Pluperfect 2)Future Perfect
yohaya conseguidohubiera conseguidohubiese conseguidohubiere conseguido
hayas conseguidohubieras conseguidohubieses conseguidohubieres conseguido
él/ella/ustedhaya conseguidohubiera conseguidohubiese conseguidohubiere conseguido
nosotroshayamos conseguidohubiéramos conseguidohubiésemos conseguidohubiéremos conseguido
ellos/ellas/ustedeshayan conseguidohubieran conseguidohubiesen conseguidohubieren conseguido


Ojalá hubiera conseguido mi pasaporte a tiempo. (I wish I had got my passport on time).

Conseguir Conjugation: Imperative Mood

This mood is used to give orders, requests or instructions.

Imperative Mood’s Conjugations

(get/let’s get)(don’t get/ let’s not get)
Consigue no consigas
nosotrosConsigamosno consigamos
ustedesConsigan no consigan


Consigan ya las llaves del auto. (Find the keys of the car right now.)

Let’s get to practice!

Practice makes the master!

1. Amanda_______(preterite) el vestido que tanto buscaba.

2. Mis hijos_______(future simple) el triunfo en el partido este domingo.

3. Juan________(conditional perfect) los tickets para el concierto si los hubiera comprado a tiempo.

4. ________(imperative/you pl) el dinero para ir de viajes, yo no les pienso dar.

5. Ojalá que Messi_______(present subjuctive) ganar contra el Barcelona.

6. Cuando era joven_________(preterite imperfect, I) la mujer que quería.

7. ¿Quieres_________(infinitive) resultados para mejorar tu inglés?

8. Estaba_________(gerund) un nuevo récord cuando me llamaste.

The answers

1. Consiguió.

2. Conseguirán.

3. Habría conseguido

4. Consigan

5. Consiga

6. Conseguía

7. Conseguir

8. Consiguiendo

About the Author:

Antonella Lusardi - Spanish Tutor

Specializations: Spanish Tutors on Zoom

Bio: Spanish teacher with broad experience teaching adults and kids. I was a youth staff for more than 5 years and I had worked with kids ages 5 and up. I enjoy teaching Spanish to all ages. I am confident you or your child will enjoy my lessons and learn from me!

View my Profile to Book a Private Spanish Lesson

Other articles: Learn Argentine Spanish – Language, Culture and Culinary Roots, Spanish Verb – Competir

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