Effective communication of commands is crucial in law enforcement. This section provides essential phrases to issue clear instructions during arrests, traffic stops, and other critical situations.
English | Spanish |
Stop! | ¡Alto! / ¡Deténgase! |
Put your hands up! | ¡Levante las manos! |
Drop the weapon! | ¡Suelte el arma! |
Don’t move! | ¡No se mueva! |
Get on the ground! | ¡Al suelo! |
Turn around! | ¡Dé la vuelta! |
Show me your ID! | ¡Muéstreme su identificación! |
Calm down! | ¡Cálmese! |
Traffic-Related Terms
When dealing with traffic stops or violations, knowing the right terms in Spanish is vital. This section focuses on vocabulary related to vehicles, drivers, and traffic laws.
English | Spanish |
Driver's license | Licencia de conducir |
Registration | Registro |
Insurance | Seguro |
Speeding | Exceso de velocidad |
Stoplight | Semáforo |
Seatbelt | Cinturón de seguridad |
Drunk driving | Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol |
Court and Legal Terms
Understanding legal terminology in both English and Spanish is essential for officers navigating court proceedings. This section outlines key phrases related to the courtroom and legal processes.
English | Spanish |
Judge | Juez |
Lawyer | Abogado |
Court | Tribunal |
Sentence | Sentencia |
Witness | Testigo |
Defendant | Acusado / Demandado |
Prosecutor | Fiscal |
Bail | Fianza |
Emergency Situations
In urgent or high-stress situations, clear communication can make all the difference. This section offers important terms and phrases for handling emergencies, such as accidents, medical crises, or natural disasters.
English | Spanish |
Emergency | Emergencia |
Medical assistance | Asistencia médica |
Fire | Fuego |
Evacuation | Evacuación |
Natural disaster | Desastre natural |
Hostage | Rehén |
Backup | Refuerzos |
Shots fired | Disparos |
Active shooter | Tirador activo |
Missing person | Persona desaparecida |
Types of Crimes
This section provides vocabulary related to different types of crimes, helping officers identify and classify offenses accurately when interacting with Spanish-speaking suspects or witnesses.
English | Spanish |
Theft | Robo |
Burglary | Allanamiento de morada |
Assault | Asalto |
Murder | Asesinato |
Fraud | Fraude |
Kidnapping | Secuestro |
Drug trafficking | Tráfico de drogas |
Human trafficking | Tráfico de personas |
Domestic violence | Violencia doméstica |
Trespassing | Intrusión / Allanamiento |
Traffic and Vehicle-Related Terms
This section focuses on specific terms related to vehicles, traffic enforcement, and law violations, which are essential for officers handling incidents involving automobiles.
English | Spanish |
Speeding ticket | Multa por exceso de velocidad |
Traffic violation | Infracción de tránsito |
DUI (Driving Under Influence) | Conducción bajo influencia |
Hit and run | Choque y fuga |
Accident | Accidente |
Tow truck | Camión de remolque |
Roadblock | Retén |
License plate | Placa de matrícula |
Interrogation and Interview
During questioning or investigations, using the right language is crucial. This section covers important phrases and questions used during interrogations and interviews with Spanish-speaking individuals.
English | Spanish |
Interrogation | Interrogatorio |
Statement | Declaración |
Confession | Confesión |
Witness statement | Declaración de testigo |
Evidence collection | Recolección de pruebas |
Lie detector | Detector de mentiras |
Suspect profile | Perfil del sospechoso |
Criminal record | Antecedentes penales |
Police and Legal Processes
This section covers terminology related to the overall police and legal processes, including arrests, investigations, and procedures for ensuring that justice is served.
English | Spanish |
Warrant | Orden judicial |
Subpoena | Citación |
Investigation | Investigación |
Surveillance | Vigilancia |
Custody | Custodia |
Probation | Libertad condicional |
Parole | Libertad provisional |
Interrogation room | Sala de interrogatorios |
Rights and Warnings
Understanding and communicating the rights of individuals is a core responsibility of law enforcement. This section provides the vocabulary necessary for informing individuals of their rights, such as during arrests or detainment.
English | Spanish |
You have the right to remain silent. | Tiene derecho a guardar silencio. |
Anything you say can be used against you in court. | Todo lo que diga puede ser usado en su contra en la corte. |
You have the right to an attorney. | Tiene derecho a un abogado. |
Do you understand these rights? | ¿Entiende estos derechos? |
I am placing you under arrest. | Lo estoy arrestando. |
Common and Typical Phrases
This section includes a collection of commonly used phrases and expressions that law enforcement officers can use in a variety of everyday situations with Spanish-speaking individuals.
English | Spanish |
Stop right there! | ¡Deténgase ahí mismo! |
Hands where I can see them! | ¡Manos donde pueda verlas! |
Do you have any weapons? | ¿Tiene armas? |
Do you understand? | ¿Entiende? |
Please remain calm. | Por favor, mantenga la calma. |
Can you describe the suspect? | ¿Puede describir al sospechoso? |
Call for backup. | Llame refuerzos. |
Do you have anything illegal on you? | ¿Tiene algo ilegal en su poder? |
Where were you at [time]? | ¿Dónde estaba a las [hora]? |
I need to search your vehicle. | Necesito registrar su vehículo. |
Please come with me. | Por favor, venga conmigo. |
Are you injured? | ¿Está herido? |
This is a warning. | Esto es una advertencia. |
You cannot go beyond this point. | No puede pasar de este punto. |
We are here to help you. | Estamos aquí para ayudarle. |
Can you repeat that? | ¿Puede repetir eso? |
Stay in your car. | Quédese en su coche. |
Show me your hands! | ¡Muéstreme las manos! |