Dentist Spanish Vocabulary
To get started, we’ll cover some fundamental words and phrases related to the people you’ll encounter in a dental office. Learning Spanish for dentists goes a long way in improving communication and truly connecting with your patients. In the upcoming sections, we’ll explore must-know phrases, medical terms, and helpful communication tips. These will empower you to provide top-notch dental care and build strong, long-lasting relationships with your Spanish-speaking patients.
Preparation of a Medical History
Vocabulary used in the preparation of a medical history, necessary to indicate to the patient which are the steps to follow.
English | Spanish |
Interview | Entrevista |
Clinical Examination | Exploración clínica |
Patient assessment | Valoración del paciente |
Dental impressions | Impresiones dentales |
X-ray | Radiografía |
Periapical X-ray | Radiografía periapical |
Panoramic X-ray | Panorámica |
Front Office Terminology
In order to talk to the patient when he/she comes for consultation, gather personal information and his/her insurance information if he/she has it, we attach the following:
English | Spanish |
How can I help you? | ¿Cómo puedo ayudarlo? |
Do you have an appointment or would you like to schedule one? | ¿Tiene una cita o desea programar una? |
What day and time is convenient for you? | ¿Qué día y hora le es conveniente? |
Could you tell me your first and last name? | ¿Me podría decir su nombre y apellido? |
How old are you? | ¿Qué edad tiene? |
Please give me your address and phone number | Por favor, indíqueme su dirección y número de teléfono. |
Do you have insurance? | ¿Tiene usted seguro? |
What kind of insurance do you have? | ¿Qué clase de seguro tiene? / ¿Cuál seguro tiene? |
May I see your card please? | ¿Podría ver su tarjeta por favor? |
These are the treatments that your insurance may cover… | Estos son los tratamientos que su seguro puede cubrir… |
With your insurance you only need to make a copayment | Con su seguro sólo tiene que hacer un copago |
What method of payment will you be using (Debit, credit, check, cash, apple pay)? | ¿Qué método de pago estará utilizando? (Debito, crédito, cheque, efectivo, apple pay). |
Common Phrases
Polite phrases and questions usually asked the patient before proceeding with the clinical examination.
English | Spanish |
Good morning | Buenos días |
Good afternoon | Buenas tardes |
My name is… | Mi nombre es… |
How are you? / How are you today? | ¿Cómo está? / ¿Cómo se encuentra el día de hoy? |
What is the reason for your consultation / What brings you to the consultation today? | ¿Cuál es el motivo de su consulta? / ¿Qué lo trae a la consulta el día de hoy? |
How long has it been since your last visit? | ¿Hace cuánto no asistía a consulta? |
With your insurance, you only need to make a co-payment | Con su seguro solo tiene que hacer un copago |
Are you currently experiencing pain? | ¿Tiene usted dolor? |
We will then proceed to check you | Procederemos entonces a revisarlo |
Instructions for the Patient
Instructions for the patient once the clinical examination has begun or during the course of treatment.
English | Spanish |
Please take a seat and lean back | Por favor tome asiento y reclínese |
Please open your mouth | Abra la boca por favor |
Move your head right/left | Mueve tu cabeza a la derecha/izquierda |
Move your tongue please | Mueve tu lengua por favor |
Rinse please | Enjuágate por favor |
Spit | Escupe |
Bite | Muerde |
You will feel a slight pinch | Sentirás un ligero pinchazo |
Do you feel discomfort or pain? | ¿Sientes molestia o dolor? |
Dental Treatments
The most common treatments in the dental practice and for which the patient visits the dentist’s office.
English | Spanish |
Fluoride treatment | Aplicación de fluor |
Teeth Whitening | Blanqueamiento dental |
Teeth Cleaning | Limpieza dental |
Sealants | Sellantes |
Fillings | Restauraciones operatorias |
Root Canal | Tratamiento de conducto / Endodoncia |
Extraction – Exodoncia | Extracción |
Prosthetic restoration | Restauración protésica |
Veneers | Carillas Dentales |
Dental Procedures
Key terms for common dental procedures in English and Spanish.
English | Spanish |
Dental Bridge | Puente dental |
Dental Implant | Implante dental |
Braces | Frenos / Brackets |
Retainers | Retenedores |
Wisdom Tooth Extraction | Extracción de muela del juicio |
Periodontal Treatment | Tratamiento periodontal |
Gum Surgery | Cirugía de encías |
Dentures | Dentaduras |
Temporary Filling | Empaste temporal |
Permanent Filling | Empaste permanente |
Bonding | Adhesión dental |
Fluoride Treatment | Tratamiento con flúor |
Tooth Contouring | Contorneado dental |
Bite Adjustment | Ajuste de mordida |
Dentist and Dentist Assistant Tools/Instrument Names
Basic tools used in dental practice and which in most cases are not disposable. The following is related to the most common biosafety equipment and treatment instruments.
English | Spanish |
Surgical cap | Gorro quirúrgico |
Safety glasses | Lentes de seguridad |
Safety face shield | Careta |
Surgical gown | Bata quirúrgica |
Bib | Babero |
Dental chair | Silla dental |
Dental unit | Unidad dental |
Triple syringe | Jeringa triple |
Dental explorer | Explorador |
Mirror | Espejo |
Cotton pliers | Pinza algodonera |
Periodontal probe | Sonda periodontal |
Dental impression tray | Cubeta para impresión dental |
Handpiece | Pieza de mano |
Turbine | Turbina |
Micromotor | Micromotor |
Scaler | Limpiador ultrasónico |
Dental drill | Taladro dental |
Curing lamp | Lámpara de fotocurado |
UV safety glasses | Lentes de foto curado |
Amalgamator | Amalgamador |
Resin spatula | Espátula para resina |
Cement spatula | Espátula para cemento |
Dappen glass | Vaso dappen |
Glass tile | Loseta de vidrio |
Amalgam holder | Porta amalgama |
Burnishers | Bruñidores |
Dental syringe | Jeringa dental |
Materials and Disposables
We list the materials that are used in regular patient care, as well as those that are applied during treatment.
English | Spanish |
Gloves | Guantes |
Face mask | Mascarilla / Tapaboca / Cubreboca |
Saliva ejector | Eyector |
Cotton | Algodón |
Gauze | Gasa |
Long/short needle | Aguja larga/ corta |
Anesthetic cartridge | Cartucho de anestesia |
Resin / Composite | Resina / Composite |
Amalgam | Amalgama |
Sealant | Sellante |
Physiological saline solution | Suero fisiológico |
Alginate | Alginato |
Names of Parts of the Mouth
What are the parts of the mouth? We include those that are visible and palpable on clinical examination.
English | Spanish |
Mouth | Boca |
Lips | Labios |
Oropharynx | Orofarínge |
Tonsils | Amígdalas |
Uvula | Úvula |
Hard palate | Paladar duro |
Soft palate | Paladar Blando |
Labial frenulum | Frenillo labial |
Tongue | Lengua |
Gum | Encía |
Teeth | Dientes |
Tooth | Diente |
Types of Teeth
The names of teeth are mainly summarized in four categories: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.
The actual names of the teeth are as follows:
English | Spanish |
Incisors | Incisivos |
Central incisors | Incisivos centrales |
Central incisor | Incisivo central |
Lateral incisors | Incisivos laterales |
Lateral incisor | Incisivo lateral |
Canines | Caninos |
Canine | Canino |
Premolars | Premolares |
First premolar | Primer premolar |
Second premolar | Segundo premolar |
Molars | Molares |
First molar | Primer molar |
Second molar | Segundo molar |
Third molar | Tercer molar (Muela del juicio) |
In Spanish, to specifically name a tooth we first place the name of the tooth, then the jawbone in which it is located and finally the orientation. For example: Incisivo central superior derecho.
Dental Anatomy and Related
Anatomy of teeth, internal and external parts as well as adjacent anatomical structures.
English | Spanish |
Crown | Corona |
Cervical line | Línea cervical |
Root | Raíz |
Enamel | Esmalte |
Cementum | Cemento |
Dentin | Dentina |
Pulp | Pulpa |
Pulp chamber | Cámara pulpar |
Periodontal ligament | Ligamento periodontal |
Blood vessels | Vasos sanguíneos |
Nerve | Nervio |
Alveolus | Alvéolo |
Maxilla | Maxilar superior |
Mandible | Maxilar inferior/Mandíbula |
This blog post has provided a comprehensive overview of dental Spanish vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics from clinical examination to dental anatomy. This information can be helpful for both dental professionals and patients who are learning Spanish or who need to communicate with Spanish-speaking dental professionals.
It is important to note that the Spanish vocabulary used in dentistry can vary depending on the region, so it is always a good idea to double-check with a native speaker if you are unsure about a particular term. Additionally, some dental procedures may have different names in Spanish, so it is essential to be clear and concise when communicating with your dental professional.
Overall, learning the basics of dental Spanish vocabulary can help you to better understand and communicate with your dental professional, which can lead to better dental care and overall health.
About the Author:
Specializations: Spanish Tutors on Zoom
Bio: 28-year-old graphic designer and writer with 7 years of experience, passionate about communication in all its aspects as the main tool to forge links. I consider myself a detailed, patient, and empathetic person, so even if you consider yourself a difficult student, I will know how to guide you to reach the level of Spanish you need for whatever activity you have in mind. As a student of Literature, I always had the same love for books and their stories, as well as for the Spanish language and its formation. I believe that the best way to learn is to be passionate about what you are learning and that is what I always want to achieve with my students. I have worked with children, adolescents, and adults, so I have knowledge about the different learning stages that a person can go through and the different strategies to approach them.
View my Profile to Book a Private Spanish Lesson
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Disclaimer: The information found on this website is meant only to aid healthcare professionals who want to strengthen their Spanish skills to communicate with their Spanish-speaking patients, and not to be used as medical advice. Medical professionals should not rely on the content of this website to evaluate, diagnose or treat any health related condition.