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If you’re starting your journey learning Spanish you’ll see that one of the first things you’ll want to learn is how to express different emotions in Spanish. This is understandable because we see the world the way we feel it, and we express through those emotions constantly.

Emotions are part of our daily life and interactions, we express the world around us through emotions, so with this being such an important part of our lives and interactions we wanted to bring you this blog today.

Here are a number of emotions in various categories, along with sentences to help you better understand the list of emotions to express your feelings and emotions in Spanish.


  • Tomorrow I start my vacation holiday, I feel ALEGRE and EUFÓRICO (happy and euphoric).
  • I passed all my classes with excellent grades, I feel ORGULLOSO, PODEROSO and SATISFECHO (proud, powerful, and satisfied) with my performance.
  • I’m moving next month to another state to search for a new job and start studying there, it’s a risky move but I feel OPTIMISTA, POSITIVO, and ESPERANZADO (optimistic, positive, and hopeful) and I have to be VALIENTE (brave) in this new challenge.
  • I was offered a new position at my job, I feel really INTERESADO and ABIERTO (interested and open) to new challenges and I feel SEGURO (confident) of being able to do the job.
  • Christmas is getting close and I’m really CURIOSO (curious) if my wife is going to like the gift I got her!
  • If I were to describe myself I’d say I’m SENSIBLE and CARIÑOSO (sensitive and loving).
  • Summer vacations start next week and I feel LIBERADO and FELIZ (free and happy) because I’ll be able to rest and have fun without having to worry about anything.
  • I’m staying near the beach for the weekend and I feel INSPIRADO and PACÍFICO (inspired and peaceful) here.
  • The University called me, they chose my thesis over five hundred others, I feel IMPORTANTE, ACEPTADO, and REALIZADO (important, accepted, and accomplished).


  • My best friend told me she’s in love with me, I feel SORPRENDIDO, CONFUNDIDO, and ASOMBRADO (surprised, confused, and amazed).
  • I’ll start on a new gym next month, I feel super ENTUSIASMADO and ENÉRGICO (excited and energetic).
  • I didn’t win the contest, they chose the other contestant just because their friend was a judge, it was unfair! I feel CONMOCIONADO, ABATIDO, and DESILUSIONADO (shocked, dejected, and disillusioned).
  • I went to the circus and the way the contortionist moves left me feeling IMPRESIONADO, ESTUPEFACTO, and PERPLEJO (impressed, speechless, and perplexed), I didn’t know those things were possible.


  • I fell down in front of everybody, I feel AVERGONZADO (embarrassed).
  • My partners at school are mocking me, I feel HUMILLADO (humiliated).
  • I have a new haircut and I don’t know if it suits my face, I feel INSEGURO (insecure).
  • I have a job interview tomorrow, I can’t wait, I feel ANSIOSO (anxious).
  • There’s a big dog in my neighborhood that has gotten loose, I feel ASUSTADO (scared).
  • I invited the girl I like to the prom, but she said no, I feel RECHAZADO (rejected).
  • I visited Norway this past month, and I couldn’t understand a single word, I felt so ALIENADO (alienated).
  • I got a new cat, but my two old cats are really mean with him, he must feel really MARGINADO (marginalized).
  • During Halloween, there are some houses in my neighborhood so well decorated that I feel ESPANTADO (spooked).
  • I have so much work I feel AGOBIADO (overwhelmed).
  • I had an exam yesterday, and I’m still waiting for the results, I feel PREOCUPADO (worried).
  • My friend dressed as a werewolf for Halloween, the costume looked so realistic, he decided to scare me, and he really did, I felt ATERRADO (terrified).
  • I was at school and my pants ripped suddenly, everyone started laughing, and I felt RIDICULIZADO (ridiculed).
  • I was in line at the supermarket and someone cut in front of my place, I felt IRRESPETADO (disrespected).
  • My friend at school has much better grades than me I feel INFERIOR (inferior).
  • I want to improve my grades at college, I can do better, I feel INSUFICIENTE (insufficient).
  • I was helping my dad to fix the car, but I didn’t know a thing, I felt INÚTIL (useless).


  • All my friends forgot my birthday, I feel HERIDO (hurt).
  • There’s this new guy at school, and he’s fantastic at sports, I’m scared that he could get my place as captain of the team, I feel AMENAZADO (threatened).
  • There are people who are mean and angry all the time it’s like they’re LLENOS DE ODIO (full of hatred).
  • I failed the same test for the second time, I feel so FRUSTRADO (frustrated).
  • I don’t know what’s wrong with my friend lately, he doesn’t talk to me like he used to, he feels DISTANTE (distant).
  • One of my uncles is always finding mistakes in everything I do, he’s so CRÍTICO (critical).
  • I don’t like the pet of my aunt, he’s so AGRESIVO (aggressive).
  • I have a parrot, and he starts screaming and being super loud at midnight almost every day, he acts LOCO (mad).
  • I lost my pet yesterday, I loved him so much, I feel DEVASTADO (devastated).
  • I forgot our date yesterday, I feel so APENADO (ashamed).
  • I don’t trust any beauty product without checking the reviews of it and how it works, I’m really ESCÉPTICO (skeptical).
  • I don’t like to attend parties, I prefer to stay home with a book and good music, I’m really INTROVERTIDO (introverted).
  • My neighbor crashed into my mailbox driving recklessly and I’m FURIOSO (furious).
  • My friend got the best birthday gift, one that I wanted as well, and I can’t stop feeling CELOSO (jealous).
  • My neighbor is always being SARCÁSTICO and DESAFIANTE (sarcastic and defiant) and he always has a HOSTIL (hostile) attitude with all of us.
  • I need many reasons to trust someone, I describe myself as someone DESCONFIADO (suspicious).
  • My brother is always cutting me off when I’m speaking, which makes me feel so IRRITADO (irritated).
  • Yesterday we had our high school reunion, it has been ten years since I was mocked there by some classmates, but I discovered I still feel RESENTIDO (resentful).
  • The comments I receive from some colleagues at work feel like they don’t appreciate my work, I feel ATACADO (attacked).


  • I broke an old decoration at my grandmother’s house, I feel CULPABLE (guilty).
  • Once we finished college none of my friends ever contacted me again, I feel ABANDONADO and TRAICIONADO (abandoned and betrayed).
  • I feel like there’s a hole in my chest, VACÍO (empty).
  • I’ve been trying to read and play video games but still I feel ABURRIDO (bored).
  • I had to move from town to study, I’m new here, so I don’t have friends yet, I feel SOLO (alone) and quite DEPRIMIDO (depressed).
  • I lost my thesis and the deadline is tomorrow, I feel DESESPERADO (desperate).
  • I didn’t mean to say those things, I was upset and now I feel ARREPENTIDO and AVERGONZADO (regretful and ashamed).
  • I don’t understand how some people can be so APÁTICOS and INDIFERENTES (apathetic and indifferent) with people in need.
  • My pet doesn’t listen to me, I feel IGNORADO (ignored).
  • If a baby bird gets AISLADO (isolated) from its group it’ll be DESAMPARADO and VULNERABLE (helpless and vulnerable) to the predators and weather conditions.
  • When you live far away from your country, you sometimes find yourself feeling MELANCÓlLICO and NOSTÁLGICO (melancholic and nostalgic).
  • I found a bird in my backyard, he had a broken wing, he was DESVALIDO (defenseless).


  • I hired a company to do my laundry, but they stained all my clothes, I feel DISCONFORME and DECEPCIONADO (dissatisfied and disappointed).
  • I was driving and I passed next to a car accident, it was HORRIBLE (horrible).
  • I like old fashioned phones with buttons, I don’t want to switch to a touchscreen, I’m REACIO (reluctant) about it.
  • I have an AVERSIÓN (aversion) to snakes.
  • I don’t know if I should cut my hair or not, I feel VACILANTE (hesitant).
  • Worms make me feel ASCO (disgust) they are REPUGNANTES (repugnant).
  • My neighbor is really mean with everybody, he’s ODIOSO (hateful).

About the Author:

Specializations: Spanish Tutors on Zoom

Bio: 28-year-old graphic designer and writer with 7 years of experience, passionate about communication in all its aspects as the main tool to forge links. I consider myself a detailed, patient, and empathetic person, so even if you consider yourself a difficult student, I will know how to guide you to reach the level of Spanish you need for whatever activity you have in mind. As a student of Literature, I always had the same love for books and their stories, as well as for the Spanish language and its formation. I believe that the best way to learn is to be passionate about what you are learning and that is what I always want to achieve with my students. I have worked with children, adolescents, and adults, so I have knowledge about the different learning stages that a person can go through and the different strategies to approach them.

View my Profile to Book a Private Spanish Lesson

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