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Adjetivos Demostrativos / Demonstrative Adjectives

They indicate a person, animal or thing, indicating the distance it maintains regarding the speaker.

When Something is Near

Cerca (Near)SingularPlural
FemeninoEsta (This)Estas (These)
MasculinoEste (This)Estos (These)


  • Me gusta esta camisa. / I like this shirt.
  • Quiero comprar estas botas / I want to buy these boots.
  • Este día es maravilloso. / This day is wonderful.
  • Estos zapatos están en oferta. / These shoes are on sale.

When Something is Far

Lejos (Far)SingularPlural
FemeninoEsa / Aquella (That)Esas / Aquellas (Those)
MasculinoEse/ Aquel (That)Esos (Those) Aquellos


  • Me gusta esa/aquella camisa. / I like that shirt.
  • Quiero comprar esas/aquellas botas. / I want to buy those boots.
  • No entiendo ese ejercicio. / I don’t understand that exercise.
  • Ese/Aquel hombre me está viendo. / That man is looking at me.
  • Esos/Aquellos perros están bravos. / Those dogs are angry
  • Aquellos/Esos niños están jugando. / Those children are playing.

Pronombres Demostrativos / Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstratives “this” and “that” are not used with nouns; they are used alone, replacing them. They have the function of a neuter pronoun.

Esto/This (Near)

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Francis Benítez - Spanish Tutor

It is used to refer to “something indefinite that is near“.

  • ¿De quién es esto? (esto = esta cosa que está aquí). / Whose is this? (this = this thing here).
  • ¡Voy a tirar todo esto a la basura! (todo esto = todas estas cosas que están aquí). / I’m going to throw all this stuff in the trash! (all this = all these things that are here).

Eso/That (Far)

It is used to refer to “something indefinite that is far away“.

  • ¿De quién es eso? (eso = eso que está allí). / Whose is that? (that = that thing over there).
  • ¡Voy a tirar todo eso a la basura! (todo eso = todo eso que está allí). / I’m going to throw all that in the trash. (all that = all that’s there).

(It is also used to talk about “a situation”).

  • Eso no me gusta nada. (eso = esta situación). / I don’t like that at all. (that = that situation).
  • Todo eso es muy complicado. (todo eso = toda esa situación). / All that is very complicated. (all that = all that situation).


About the Author:

Francis Benítez - Spanish Tutor

Specializations: Spanish Tutors on Zoom

Bio: Living in Venezuela, great interest and vocation for education. 4 years of formation in dentistry. Veterinary assistant. Graduated in modern languages English mention at IUTSO (Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Oriente), currently a Spanish tutor.

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