This verb is used when we take one option from several others. In English, this could be the same as to choose. We use it when we are deciding between two or more options. For example: Los colombianos eligieron presidente en las últimas elecciones (Colombian people chose/elected president in last elections) as we can see in this example, Colombian people…
To start, let’s take a look at the conjugation of empezar. The verb is irregular in spanish, so it doesn’t follow a specific pattern. Empezar can be translated to “to start” or “to begin.” It can also mean “to commence” or “to initiate.” The verb is used to express the idea of starting something or beginning an action. “COSER Y…
Translation: to smell; sniff out; to have a scent. Oler(se) is irregular, it can be used as intransitive, pronominal or transitive. As a transitive verb, ‘to perceive [a smell]’ and ‘suspect or sense [something]’; as intransitive, ‘to expel an odor’ and, in impersonal sentences, ‘to be a certain smell in a place’. Oler as impersonal, in the infinitive, is used…
(Transitive / Intransitive) Translation: count; tell; share; rely on; be a certain age. Contamos el dinero, y sobraba. (We counted the money and there was more.) Pepe contó la anécdota y todos se rieron a carcajadas. (Pepe narrated the story and everyone laughed a lot.) Quiero contar mi experiencia del viaje. (I want to talk about my trip experience.) Cuenta…
The verb “servir” is widely used among Spanish native speakers, this can have two meanings; one being to work or being useful, and the other when we want to talk about bringing food to the table. In English, this verb is used similar to “to serve”. Also, this is commonly used in the expression “no sirve para nada” (is useless),…
When you’re learning a new language, there are several aspects that come into play, and it may be a little bit overwhelming at the beginning. A pretty useful tip is to start learning the most frequently used words. Here we’ve gathered for you 200 of the most common Spanish verbs you’ll come across in everyday conversations. Knowing their meaning and…
“COLGAR LOS GUANTES SERÍA LO MÁS SENCILLO, PERO JAMÁS LO MÁS CORRECTO – THIS TERM HAS A DOUBLE MEANING, TO FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS, READ THIS COMPLETE ARTICLE”. English Translation: hang, hang up, be hanging, be suspended. The word colgar has three meanings in the Spanish language. It can be an intransitive verb, meaning to hang something on a hook,…
On your marks, get set, get started! In Spanish, there are three verbs to talk about starting an action: Iniciar, Empezar and Comenzar. Although there are subtle differences that we may talk about in another article, today we are going to talk about the last one we named, the verb Comenzar. Despite sharing etymology with the verb to commence in…
Recomendar and its Uses We use Recomendar in Spanish to express the high esteem we have for someone, praising him usually in order to get a job or position for that person: Recomendé a Jorge para el puesto de supervisor en la fábrica. (I recommended Jorge for the supervisor position in the factory.) To give good (or bad) opinion concerning…
Meanings of Seguir Sigue intentándolo: el verbo seguir (to follow/to continue). The verb ‘’seguir’’ in Spanish can have two different meanings, depending on the context we use it and the message we want to transmit. One of them can be defined as to be behind something or someone, as we used to follow in English. For example: Yo sigo los…