We want to delve into the world of electrical work, which is one of our primary focuses within the construction industry. In this new blog, we aim to explore terminology and vocabulary specific to electricians that can be applied in your daily tasks. We understand the significance of effective and precise communication with your clients, especially in the field of electrical work.
To aid you in achieving clear communication, we have put together a Spanish guide tailored for electrical specialists. This guide has been crafted with the assistance of Online Spanish tutors who specialize in electrical terminology and its practical application within construction.
1. Vocabulary
We have focused on 250+ words and terms in Spanish, including 26 common phrases/questions. We have categorized these terms in the following categories:
- Hand Tools
- Power Tools
- Materials
- Basic Personal Protection Equipment
- Areas of The Building/Home/Job site
- Common Terms and Phrases
- Electrician Verbs
- Electrician Terms
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Hand Tools (In Spanish)
Cutting Plier | Pinza/Alicate de Corte |
Flat Plier | Alicate/Pinza Plana |
Universal Plier | Alicate/Pinza Universal |
Linemans Plier | Alicate/Pinza para Liniero |
Slip joint Plier | Alicate/Pinza Ajustable |
End Cutting plier | Pinza/Alicate de Corte Final |
Diagonal Cutting Plier (Dikes) | Pinza/Alicate de Corte Diagonal |
Nose Plier | Pinza/Alicate de Corte Punta de Nariz |
Wire Stripper | Pela Cables |
Double End Spanner | Llave Doble Extremos |
Torpedo Level | Nivel de Torpedo |
Split Level | Nivel Doble |
Hammer | Martillo |
Electrician’s Chisel | Cincel |
Skinning Knife | Navaja pela cables |
Nut Driver | Destornillador para tuercas |
Adjustable Wrench (Crescent) | Llave Ajustable |
Tool Pouch | Funda para Herramientas |
Straight Screwdriver | Destornillador Plano |
Phillips Screwdriver | Destornillador de estrías |
Tongue & Groove Plier (Channellock) | Pinza/Alicate de Ranura y Lengüeta |
Handle Hacksaw | Sierra |
Pencil | Lápiz |
Tin Snips | Tijeras de Hojalateros |
Roto Split (Armor Stripper) | Pelador de Carcasa Metálica |
Scratch Awl | Punzón |
Knock out punch Set | Abre Huecos |
Allen Wrenches | Llaves Allen |
Open End/Box End Wrenches | Llave de Boca Abierta/Llave de Boca Cerrada |
Socket Set | Llaves de Enchufe |
Cross Line Laser | Láser de Línea Cruzada |
Conduit Bender | Dobla Tubos |
Griding Machine | Esmeril |
Power Tools (in Spanish)
Voltage Tester | Probador de Voltaje |
Tester | Probador |
Flashlight | Linterna |
Earth Tester | Probador de Aislamiento a Tierra |
Amprobe | Probadores Eléctricos sin Contacto |
Voltage-Ohm Meter | Multímetro |
Polarity GFI Tester | Probador de Polaridad |
Clamp Meter | Pinza Amperimétrica |
Fluorescent Light Tester | Probador de Lámpara Fluorescente |
ABC | Supervisor (bajo voltaje/sobre corriente) |
Materials (In Spanish)
English | SPANISH |
Cooper Wires/Cable | Conductores/Cable de Cobre |
Aluminum Wires | Conductor de Aluminio |
Surface Switch | Interruptor/Suiche superficial |
Flush switch | Interruptor/Suiche de Descarga |
Ceiling switch | Interruptor/Suiche de Techo |
Ceiling switch | Interruptor/Suiche de Techo |
Pull switch | Interruptor/Suiche de Tirar |
Hangin Bed switch | Interruptor Colgante de Cama |
Bell Switch | Interruptor para Timbre |
Push Button switch | Interruptor Pulsador |
One Way Switch | Interruptor/Suiche de Una Vía |
Two Way Switch | Interruptor/Suiche Doble Vía |
Intermediate Switch | Interruptor/Suiche Intermedio |
Main switch | Interruptor/Suiche Principal |
Pendant Holder | Sujetador colgante |
Ceiling Rose | Cubierta para sujetador Pendiente |
Socket Outlet | Toma de corriente |
Casing Capping Wires | Cubre Cables |
Miniature Circuit Breaker | Disyuntor en Miniatura |
PVC Conduit Pipes | Tubería Conduit de PVC |
PVC Bend | Codos de PVC |
Coupling/Socket | Anillos/acoples/uniones |
Fan Box | Caja tipo Ventilador |
Deep Box One Way | Caja de una Vía |
Deep Box Two Way | Caja de Dos Vía |
Deep Box Three Way | Caja de Tres Vía |
Deep Box Four Way | Caja de Cuatro Vía |
Insulation Tape | Cinta Aislante/Teipe |
End cap/Dummy | Tapa/Cubierta |
PVC Solvent | Pegamento PVC |
Casing/Capping | Cubierta/Canaleta |
Juntion Box | Caja de Unión |
Metal Box (from 1-2 module to 18 Modules) | Cajas Metálicas desde módulo 1-2 hasta 18 Módulos |
Cover Plates (from 1-2 module to 18 modules) | Tapas (desde 1-2 módulos hasta 10 módulos) |
Star Screw | Tornillos Tipo Estrella |
Spring Wire | Resorte Pasa Cables |
Round Sheet Dummy | Tapa Redonda |
Fan Dummy Sheet | Tapa Tipo Ventilador |
Angle Holder | Sujetador Angular |
Indicator Switch | Interruptor Indicador |
Dimmer | Variador/Regulador de Intensidad |
Kit Kat Fuse | Fusible Kit Kat |
TV Outlet | Salida para Tv |
Two Pin Socket | Toma/Receptáculo de 2 pines |
3 Pin Socket | Toma/Receptáculo de 3 pines |
MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) (1 pole to 4 Pole) | Interruptor de Circuito Miniatura (desde 1 polo hasta 4 polos) |
Isolator Breaker (1 Pole to 4 Pole) | Interruptor de seguridad (desde 1 a 4 polos) |
DB Box | Tablero/Caja de Distribución de Circuitos |
DP Switch | Interruptor/Suiche Doble Pole |
Two Pin Plug | Enchufe doble Pin/Espiga |
Surface Box | Caja Superficial |
Change Over Box | Caja de Transferencia |
Earthing Rod/Plate | Barra/Placa de Puesta a tierra |
Earthing Chemical | Compuesto para Puesta a Tierra |
Calling Bell | Timbre |
Foot Lamp | Lampara de Pie |
Bed Lamp | Lampara de Cama |
Ceiling Lamp | Lampara de Techo |
Tube Light | Lámpara tubular |
Bulb | Bombillo |
Ceiling Fan | Ventilador de Techo |
Auxiliary Contact | Contactos Auxiliares |
RCB | Interruptor Diferencial |
DP MCB | Interruptor Especial para corto circuitos |
Magnetic Contactor | Contactor Magnético |
Overload Relay | Relé de Sobre Corriente |
Coil | Bobina |
Transformer | Transformador |
Battery | Batería |
Blank | Tapa Ciega |
Coupling | Acoples/Conectores |
Connector | Conector |
MC Connector | Conector Multicontacto |
Gangable Box | Caja Armable |
Mud Ring | Anillo empotrable |
1900 Box | Caja Cuadrada de 4” y 1 ½” de profundidad |
1900 Deep Box | Caja Cuadrada 4” y 2 1/8” de profundidad |
8B | Caja Octogonal de 1 ½” de Profundidad |
8B Deep | Caja Octogonal de 2 1/8” de Profundidad |
Bushing | Buje de paso |
EMT (Electro Metallic Tubing (EMT) | Tuberia metálica |
Cable Tray | Bandeja para Conductores |
Unistrut | Soporte tipo “U” |
Cutout Box | Caja de Protección Eléctrica |
Fish Tape | Pasador de cables |
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Basic Personal Protection Equipment For Electricians
English | SPANISH |
Dielectric Helmet (Hard hat) | Casco Dieléctrico |
Insulating Glove | Guantes Aislantes |
Face Shields | Protector Facial |
Overall | Overol/Braga/Ropa de trabajo |
Areas of the Building/Home/Job Site
Attic | Ático |
Balcony | Balcón |
Bedroom | Habitación/Cuarto/Dormitorio |
Living Room | Sala de Estar |
Dining Room | Comedor |
Bath Room | Baño |
Hall | Pasillo |
Garage | Garaje/Cochera |
Toilet | Inodoro/Baño |
Stairs | Escaleras |
Garden | Jardin |
Patio | Patio |
Basement | Sótano |
Corridor | Corredor |
Windows | Ventanas |
Chimney | Chimenea |
Roof | Techo |
Plot Area | Área de la Parcela |
Built-up area or Plitch Area | Área para la Construcción |
Carpet Area | Área de Alfombras |
Floor Area | Superficie del Piso |
Setback Area | Área de Urbanismo |
Swimming Pool | Piscinaq |
Park | Parque |
Play Ground | Parque/Área de Juegos |
Clubhouse | Casa club |
Building | Edificio/Edificación/Construcción |
Home | Hogar/Casa |
Common Terms & Phrases
AC (Alternating Current) | Corriente Alterna |
AFCI – Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter | Interruptor de Circuito por Falla de Arco |
ALCI – Appliance Leakage Circuit Interrupter | Interruptor de Circuito por Corriente de Fuga en Electrodomésticos |
Ampacity | Ampacidad |
ANSI ( American National Standards Institute) | Instituto Nacional de Normas Americanas |
CSA – Canadian Standards Association | Asociación de Normas Canadienses |
Circuit | Circuito |
Circuit Breaker | CortaCircuitos |
Conductor | Conductor/Cable |
Current | Corriente |
DC – Direct Current | Current Direct |
Dielectric Strength | Rigidez Dieléctrica |
ELCI – Equipment Leakage Circuit Interrupter. | Interruptor de Circuito de fuga para equipos. |
Flame Retardant – | Retardante de Llama (ignífugo) |
Gauge | Calibrador de diámetros de cables |
Ground Fault | Falla a Tierra |
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter | Interruptor de Circuito por Falla a Tierra |
Grounded Neutral | Neutral a Tierra |
Ground Wire | Conductor de Puesta a Tierra |
Hot Wire | Conductor/Cable Energizado |
Insulator. | Aislante |
NEC – National Electric Code. | Código Eléctrico Naciona |
NFPA – La NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) | Asociación Nacional de Protección Contra el Fuego |
Neutral Wire | Conductor Neutro |
Nuisance Tripping | Interrupciones molestas |
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Association. | Asociación de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional. |
Open Neutral | Neutro Abierto |
Resistance | Resistencia Eléctrica |
Reverse Phase | Fase Inversa |
Short Circuit - | Corto Circuito |
Voltage | Voltaje |
Weatherproof | A prueba de intemperie (resistente al agua) |
Power | Energía |
Normally Open (N.O.) | Normalmente Abierto |
Normal Close (N.C.) | Normalmente Cerrado |
Loads | Cargas |
Power Supply | Fuente de Poder |
High Voltage | Alto Voltaje |
Low Voltage | Bajo Voltaje |
Frequency | Frecuencia |
Difference of Potential | Diferencial de Potencial (Voltaje) |
Home Run | Línea Directa |
Amperage | Amperaje |
Amper | Amperio |
Conductivity | Conductividad |
Duct | Ducto |
Watts | Vatios |
Line Drop | Caída de Voltaje |
Line Voltage | Line Voltage |
Ohm’s Law | Ley de Ohm |
Resistivity | Resistividad |
Serie Circuit | Circuito en Serie |
Parallel Circuit | Circuito en Paralelo |
Service Drop | Acometida |
Service Entrance Conductor | Alimentador principal |
Shielded Cable | Cable con Cubierta Metálica |
Volt-Ampere (V.A) | Voltio-Amperios |
Wattage | Potencia |
Open Circuit | Circuito abierto |
Closed Circuit | Circuito Cerrado |
Three Phase | Trifásico |
Monophase | Monofásico |
Biphasic | Bifásico |
Ground Network | Red a Tierra |
Bridge | Puente |
Loaded | Cargado |
Overcurrent | Sobre intensidad |
Control Room | Cuarto de Control |
Failure | Falla |
Ground Fault | Falla a Tierra |
Power line | Tendido Eléctrico |
Tips | Puntas |
Potentiometer | Potenciómetro |
Balance | Equilibrio |
Current Conductor | Conductor de Corriente |
Contractors | Constructor |
Electricians | Electricistas |
Lamp | Lamparas |
Pipe | Tubería |
Jet line | Cinta de Nilón para pasar cables |
Service | Servicio |
Commercial | Comercial |
Residential | Residencial |
Industrial | Industrial |
Construction | Construccción |
Electrician Verbs
Close | Cerrar |
Connect | Conectar |
Turn on | Encender |
Turn off | Apagar |
Lose | Perder |
Compare | Comparar |
Install | Instalar |
Stir | Remover |
Cut | Cortar |
Skin | Pelar |
Disconnect | Desconectar |
Control | Controlar |
Program | Programar |
Pull | Halar |
Striper | Pelador |
To Build | Construir |
Supply | Suminstrar/Suministro |
Load | Cargar |
Trip out | Disparar/desconectar |
To Find | Encontrar/hallar |
Electrician Terms
Hand me the measuring tape, please | Pásame la cinta de medir por favor |
Let's call the electrician to install all the ceiling lamps | llamemos al electricista para que instale todas las lámparas de techo |
The electrician checked the grounding of all outlets | El electricista checó la puesta a tierra de los toma de corrientes. |
Could you please hand me the drill | Puede pasarme el taladro |
How many bricks are there in that pile? | ¿Cuántos ladrillos hay en ese arrume? |
The ladder should lean more | Debes inclinar más la escalera |
Does anyone know where the flat head screws are? | ¿Alguien sabe dónde están los tornillos de cabeza plana? |
Let’s do a job analysis before starting the work | Hagamos un análisis del trabajo antes de iniciar la obra. |
Staff must abide by safety regulation within work area | El personal debe acatar las normas de seguridad del área de trabajo. |
Your gloves are broken, replace them please | Tus guantes están rotos debes reemplazarlos |
How long does it take to build the house? | ¿Cuánto tiempo nos lleva construir la casa? |
We’ll continue the construction of the road in summer | Continuaremos la construcción de la carretera in verano |
That man works on the construction industry | Ese señor trabaja en la industria de la construcción |
We’ll call a construction company to make repairs of the house | Llamaremos al constructor para realizar las refacciones de la casa |
We must keep the workplace clean and tidy | Debemos mantener ordenado y limpio el lugar de trabajo. |
Could the electrician verify the circuits is turned off? | Verificó el electricista que el circuito está desenergizado? |
Electrical Field changes too fast we must keep updated | El área Eléctrica cambia muy rápido debemos mantenernos a la vanguardia |
Electrician must be very qualify to do that Job | El electricista deben estar bien calificados para realizar esa labor |
According the program the equipment need Electrical maintenance | De acuerdo al programa el equipo necesita mantenimiento Eléctrico |
Pull the wire through the conduit, please | Por favor pasa el cable a través del tubo conduit. |
Clean the conduit edges please | Por favor limpia los bordes del tubo conduit |
Apparently the conductor get stuck in the middle of the conduit | Al parecer el conductor se quedó atascado en el medio del tubo conduit |
Consult NEC to Know how many you can pass through 1” pipe. | Consulte el código Eléctrico Nacional para saber cuántos conductores pueden pasar por la tubería de 1”. |
All the lights suddenly turned off, call the electrician to find out what the issue is, please | Las luces se apagaron repentinamente por favor llame al electricista para averiguar sobre la avería |
Some Breakers are tripping out it’s necessary to redistribute the circuits | Algunos interruptores se están disparando es necesario redistribuir esos circuitos, |
We found a broken cable that’s the reason of the failure | Encontramos un cable partido esa es la razón de la falla |
Typical Scenario on the Job site -We prepared some lists of typical scenarios an electrician would encounter on a job-site. You can read through the conversation and imagine yourself learning and speaking the same.
Supervisor (Supervisor): ¡Hola Juan! ¿Cómo va el trabajo hoy? (Hello Juan! How’s the work going today?)
Electrician (Electricista): ¡Hola! Todo va bien, estoy revisando los circuitos en la sala de control. (Hi! Everything’s going well, I’m checking the circuits in the control room.)
Supervisor (Supervisor): Muy bien, asegúrate de seguir todas las normas de seguridad. ¿Necesitas algún equipo adicional? (Very well, make sure to follow all safety regulations. Do you need any additional equipment?)
Electrician (Electricista): No, por ahora tengo todo lo que necesito. Gracias. (No, for now I have everything I need. Thanks.)
Supervisor (Supervisor): Perfecto. ¿Has encontrado algún problema en los cables o enchufes? (Perfect. Have you found any issues with the wires or sockets?)
Electrician (Electricista): Sí, encontré un cable suelto en la esquina. Lo estoy arreglando ahora mismo. (Yes, I found a loose wire in the corner. I’m fixing it right now.)
Supervisor (Supervisor): Excelente, gracias por estar atento. Avísame si necesitas ayuda con algo. (Excellent, thanks for being attentive. Let me know if you need help with anything.)
Electrician (Electricista): Lo haré, jefe. Continuaré con las inspecciones. (I will, boss. I’ll continue with the inspections.)
Supervisor (Supervisor): Estupendo, sigue así. Manténnos informados sobre cualquier novedad. (Great, keep it up. Keep us informed of any updates.)
Electrician (Electricista): Claro, estaré en contacto. (Sure, I’ll stay in touch.)
In this scenario, the supervisor and electrician discuss the progress of the work and safety precautions in a workspace. They also address any potential issues and emphasize communication.
Other Spanish Resources for Electrical Professionals
There are so many tools in this technologically and advanced world we live in, and you should get a hold of them in order to improve your language day to day:
➔ Use online apps like Duolingo to improve your vocabulary, and practice a little every day, so your brain gets more and more familiar with the sounds.
➔ Join online groups on Facebook with people that are learning too, so you can exchange your knowledge.
➔ Create your phrasebook, including what you have learned and useful phrases for your daily basis.
➔ Connected with the previous point, you can also get an ONLINE SPANISH TUTOR in LINGUAL LINKUP to help you create your phrasebook, expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of spoken Spanish. Having someone who speaks the language fluently makes the difference, since you can also practice speaking and correct all pronunciation mistakes and work towards your goals. A tutor will always be your support when learning a new language.
➔ You can also check our Spanish for Construction Workers (Plumbing)
And Spanish for Carpenters blogs to learn more Spanish construction terms.
About the Author:
Specializations: Spanish Tutors on Zoom
Bio: 28-year-old graphic designer and writer with 7 years of experience, passionate about communication in all its aspects as the main tool to forge links. I consider myself a detailed, patient, and empathetic person, so even if you consider yourself a difficult student, I will know how to guide you to reach the level of Spanish you need for whatever activity you have in mind. As a student of Literature, I always had the same love for books and their stories, as well as for the Spanish language and its formation. I believe that the best way to learn is to be passionate about what you are learning and that is what I always want to achieve with my students. I have worked with children, adolescents, and adults, so I have knowledge about the different learning stages that a person can go through and the different strategies to approach them.
View my Profile to Book a Private Spanish Lesson
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