Spanish for Architects
If you’re a good Architect, or you’re studying to be one, I’m sure you will need Spanish words to work with international clients, read articles and speak with colleagues.
In this post, I will share with you some useful terms and sentences, so pay attention, take notes and practice! To begin, I will divide the words into different categories. It will be easier for you to find out what you need.
Let’s start!
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Vocabulario Geométrico Espacial (Spatial Geometric Vocabulary)
Longitud Tiene 100 metros de longitud. | (Length) It has 100 meters of length. |
Distancia Aquí no hay suficiente distancia. | (Distance) Here there isn’t enough distance. |
Cota ¿Cómo calculo la cota? | (Height) How do I calculate the height? |
Longitudinal Este es el diseño longitudinal.. | (Lengthwise) This is the lengthwise design. |
Transversal Aquel es el diseño transversal. | (Crosswise) That is the crosswise design. |
Planta En esta planta se puede ver la idea. | (Floor plan) On this floor plan you can see the idea. |
Vista en planta Esta es la vista en planta. | (Top view) This is the top view. |
Alzado ¿Cómo proyectar un alzado? | (Front view) How to project a front view? |
Superficie La superficie construida. | (Area) The built area. |
Medida La medida utilizada. | (Measure) The used measure. |
Ángulo La apertura de ángulo. | (Angle) The opening angle. |
Vértice Se inclina al vértice. | (Vertex) Leans to the vertex. |
Punto de fuga Confluyen en el punto de fuga. | (Vanishing point) Converge at the vanishing point. |
Desfase / Desplazamiento Hay un desfase del contorno. | (Offset) There is a contour offset. |
Pendiente Construido en pendiente. | (Slope) Built in slope. |
Grosor El grosor de la columna. | (Thickness) The thickness of the column. |
Profundidad Es de gran profundidad. | (Deep) It is very deep. |
Abertura Pondremos una abertura aquí. | (Opening) We will put an opening here. |
Vocabulario Arquitectónico (Architectural Vocabulary)
Boceto / Croquis Presento mi croquis. | (Sketch) I will introduce my sketch. |
Maqueta La maqueta se presentará en la reunión. | (Scale Model) The scale model is being shown in the meeting. |
Lugar El lugar de construcción. | (Place) The place of the building. |
Fachada Estamos trabajando en la fachada. | (Facade) We’re working on the facade. |
Proyecto Mañana presentaremos el proyecto. | (Project) Tomorrow we’re showing the project. |
Vocabulario Estructural (Structural Vocabulary)
Cimentación La carga de la cimentación. | Foundation The foundation load. |
Zapata En este terreno utilizaremos zapata. | Footing On this ground we’re using footing. |
Forjado Hay varios tipos de forjados. | Slab There are different kinds of slabs. |
Losa de cimentación La losa de cimentación ya está ubicada. | Foundation slab The foundation slab is already located. |
Viga Aqui va una viga. | Beam Here goes a beam. |
Pilar Este es el pilar. | Column This is the column. |
Carga Soporta mucha carga. | Load Supports a lot of load. |
Terreno Construiremos en este terreno. | Ground We are building on this ground. |
Subsuelo No tiene subsuelo. | Subsoil It doesn’t have a subsoil. |
Tirante Colocamos un tirante. | Tie We put on a tie. |
Tensión admisible Aquí anoté la tensión admisible. | Allowable stress Here I wrote down the allowable stress. |
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Vocabulario de la Construcción (Construction Vocabulary)
Hormigón Lo construiremos de hormigón. | Concrete We are building it on concrete. |
Cemento Utilizamos cemento. | Cement We used cement. |
Acero Está hecho de acero. | Steel It’s made of steel. |
Metálico Es de material metálico. | Metallic It’s made of metallic material. |
Ladrillo La pared es de ladrillo. | Brick The wall is made of brick. |
Vigueta Pusimos tres viguetas. | Joist We put three joists. |
Teja Usaremos teja. | Tile We are using tile. |
Forjado mixto Colocamos forjado mixto. | Composite metal deck We put a composite metal deck. |
Revestimiento Falta el revestimiento. | Coating It doesn’t have a coating. |
Andamio Moveremos el andamio. | Scaffold We are going to move the scaffold. |
Valla Pondremos vallas en esta área. | Fence We are putting fences in these areas. |
These are the most common words used in the architectonic environment…. How often do you use them? Do you use this vocabulary with clients, employees, partners? Depending on the context, you will take different advantages.
To sum up, learning is always a good way to open doors to new opportunities. How much do you remember of this post? Let’s see…..
Spanish for Architects – Quiz/Worksheet
1. Este es el _______________ del edificio. (This is the sketch of the building.)
- maqueta
- boceto
- Zapata
2. En esta parte colocaremos tres _________. (In this part we will place three beams.)
- vigas
- tirante
- Viga
3. El _____________ también tiene decoración. (The coating is also decorated.)
- lugar
- Pendiente
- revestimiento
4. El ________________ se realizará en este ____________. (The project will be carried out on this land.)
- proyecto/area
- boceto/terreno
- proyecto/terreno
5. Puede verlo en el corte ____________. (You can see it in the longitudinal/transverse section.)
- longitudinal
- transversal
- Ambas respuestas
6. Colocaremos un __________. (We will place a scaffolding.)
- andamio
- viga
- ambas respuestas
7. Se construirá de ____________. (To be constructed of cement/concrete.)
- cemento
- hormigón
- ambas respuestas
8.No puede soportar mucha ____________. (It cannot bear much load.)
- carga
- viga
- Teja
9.La ____________es lo más importante para el cliente. (The facade is the most important thing for the customer.)
- cota
- fachada
- Aberturas
10.Este no es el _________ correcto. (This is not the correct angle.)
- ángulo
- plano
- Ambas
1. boceto.
2. vigas.
3. revestimiento.
4. proyecto/terreno.
5. ambas respuestas.
6. andamio.
7. ambas respuestas.
8. carga.
9. fachada.
10. ángulo
About the Author:
Specializations: Spanish Tutors on Zoom
Bio: 28-year-old graphic designer and writer with 7 years of experience, passionate about communication in all its aspects as the main tool to forge links. I consider myself a detailed, patient, and empathetic person, so even if you consider yourself a difficult student, I will know how to guide you to reach the level of Spanish you need for whatever activity you have in mind. As a student of Literature, I always had the same love for books and their stories, as well as for the Spanish language and its formation. I believe that the best way to learn is to be passionate about what you are learning and that is what I always want to achieve with my students. I have worked with children, adolescents, and adults, so I have knowledge about the different learning stages that a person can go through and the different strategies to approach them.
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